Monday, August 17, 2009

Madmen season 3 premier

for all of you who saw last nights episode of Madmen you know why I'm writing a review of it. but for those of you who don't know then let me sum in up by paraphrasing Katey Perry.

"Sal Kissed a boy and he liked it"

people are reeling from it half are saying they loved it and want to see more and the other half are saying it was to much. well I have news for you this may be a show about the 1960s but it was made in the year 2009. gays are a social norm on tv if we were to tone it down the way people did in the 60s it would be borning as hell and no one would watch.

that was in my opinion the best part of the whole episode. I could care less about the whole british invasion thing going on at sterling cooper. or the fact that peat now has to compeat for his new tittle as head of accounts with ken. when Sal is totally macing on the bellboy.

series creator Matt Weiner has said that season three is all about change and it is my hope that this is the beginning of Sal coming to terms with who he is. and maybe will see more of that side of him that he tries to hide.

but knowing the series I must say that my only fear is that having been found out by Don even though don basically said, "I know and I dont care, But be careful" is that it might send him deeper into the closet.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

why is there so few happy endings

Name one movie made before 1990 that has a gay character who doesn’t hate themselves threw out the picture who dosent comit suicied or get killed in the end.

You cant, can you?

And do you know why?

Its because Hollywood has a history of movies with gay characters who either remain in the celluloid closet in the film or who are out and portrayed as a the Nancy boy stereotype or die in the end. Either from suicide, gay bashing or aids. What’s a boy like me to grow up thinking watching these movies. That there’s no happy ending when it comes to people like me. Why is it that when it comes to boy meets girl there is always a happy ending. But when boy meets boy it ends in sorrow.

1st Post

hello and welcome to my blog The Celluloid Closet, a blog that is filled with my views as a gay man of the old movies that made Hollywood great. and of the many Hollywood gods of the 40s and 50s

I hope that you will enjoy it and if you don't....well that's your problem

yours truly
