Saturday, January 16, 2010


Ok now its time for somthing a little different. today I'm gonna review 1975s RollerBall. the movie stars James Caan who you might remember as Ed Delin from the TNT series Las Vegas. Caan Plays RollerBall Champion Johnathan E. who has become a threat to the few corperat giants who run america since there isnt any more government or wars. and americas new favorit Past time is a game called roller ball witch is a bloodsport thats a combination of football and cage fighting on rollerscates and motercycles. I wont get into the detials but apparently they want Johnathan (Caan) to retire because they fear hes becoming greater than the game or some such nonsense. so since he wont they alter the rules to such a degree that they try to have Johnathan killed.

personally I found this movie to have a good storyline, but so poorly written it was hard to fallow. James Cann is at his best in this movie dispite his jew fro, but then again it was the seventies and he manages to pull it off witch is more than i can say for people now a days. as with any action of scifi movies made in the seventies it mostly revoles around sex, drugs and fighting the man. add what was thought of as violance and gore back then and you got yourselves a guy movie.

I give it a 3 out of 5. I personally only liked this movie becuase I though James Caan brought this coarse charm to his character and I got to see him walk around half naked. also im tottaly loving the retro mod look his Jersey has that hes wearing in the film. I managed to find a link to a site that has it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Rachel and the Stranger

guess what peeps its time for another movie review. I chose this movie for two reason first becuase it stars two of my favorite Hollywood dream boats Robert Mitchum and William Holden. and second...becuase it was on TCM the other day.

the movie is set In colonial America, and opens when David Harvey (William Holden), a recent widower living in the wilderness, decides that his young boy Davey needs a woman around to help raise him. He goes to the nearest settlement and buys an indentured servant named Rachel, played by the beautiful (Loretta young). so after he Marries Rachel he take her back to his cabin we find out there marriage is in name alone and Rachel serves more as a servant than a wife. I persoanlly dont see how Willam holden could treat her so badly, I mean look at this picture of her that I found and try not to use the word statuesque.

So Rachel does as shes told and works for Mr, Harvey and helps raise his son proper...that is, Until Jim Fairways (Robert Mitchum), who looks like a Davey Crockett wannabe, visits the cabin and falls in love with Rachel. now Rachel finds herself choosing between the man who married her for connivance and a man who wants to marry here for love. since I'm never one for spoilers you'll just have to watch it and see how it ends for yourself

and i have a special treat for you who really want to see the movie. I was looking for the trailer on youtube and found the whole movie. so here is part one and if you wanna see the rest just type in the title and go and watch the whole things. i give it a 3 out of 5.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Star Of The Month

Cary Grant was and still is among many movie buffs like myself the ideal leading man. with his distinctive yet not quite placeable mid Atlantic accent he was handsome, virile, charismatic, charming and above all else debonair. it is for these reasons and the fact that he was born in the month of January I'm making him my star of the month to start off this new year and new decade.

Grant was born Archibald Alexander Leach to a family in the untied kingdom. originally he went under the stage name Cary Lockwood they said Cary was ok but they wanted the Lockwood gone. so he deiced on the last name Grant as the letters C and G had already worked good for Clark Gable and Gary Cooper. after that he went to go on and star in famous films such as Bringing up Baby, Arsenic and Old lace, and His Girl Friday.

he was also a favorite of Alfred Hitchcock who was notorious for disliking actors. he said, "Grant was the only actor I ever liked in North by northwest." he was also offered the role of James Bond In Dr. No becuase Ian Fleming stated that he partially had Cary Grant in mind when writing out the personality for his suave super-spy, James Bond.

I first fell in love with him "despite the fact that he has a George Hamilton tan" while watching one of my many now favorite Audrey Hepburn movies, Charade. he was everything a gay little boy dreamed about. he was that that tall dark handsome stranger that our mothers always told us about. perhaps thats why I like him in that movie so much. he played the part so well becuase thats what he was like in real life. charming and heroic. the type who would ride up on a white horse and take us off into the sunset. Cary was truly one of a kind. there was no one like him back then nor do I think there ever will be. In 2001 a statue of Grant was erected in Millennium Square, a regenerated area next to the Harbor in his city of birth, Bristol, England. I hope someday to go there and see it for myslef. I guess its the closest i might ever get to turly seeing him in person.