Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday Inn

I first heard of this movie a few years ago when we were decussing rasium in high school. and how it differed today. heck of a first impression huh? well basically my teacher said that in the movie they did a musical number in Black Face! so now knowing that I just had to see it. it would be just so perfect for my blog.

so the movie starts of with Bing Crosbys fiancce leaving him for fread Astairs Character, which makes no sense, becuase not only is the reason compleatly ilogical but Fred astaire looks like hes sixty! also when it comes to danceing hes a poor mans Gene Kelly. the story basically revols around a love traiangel between Bing Fread and Marjorie Reynolds which left even me guessing untill the end.

on a side note this movie is so racest it isnt even funny. not only dose Bing have a black house keeper named mammi but also the whol
Add Imagee black face number is so racest I can help but laugh. I know its bad but I'm laughing becuase its racest and there so unaware of it. saw it on TV the other day and they tottaly edited it out.

White Christmas

The story is about two World War II U.S. Army buddies, one a former Broadway entertainer, Bob Wallace (Crosby), and a would-be entertainer, Phil Davis (Kaye). It begins on Christmas Eve, 1944, somewhere in Europe. In a forward area, Captain Wallace is giving a show to the men with the help of Private Davis, During an enemy artillery barrage, Davis saves Wallace's life from a toppling wall, wounding his arm slightly in the process. Using his "wounded" arm and telling Bob he doesn't expect any "special obligation," Phil convinces Bob to join forces when the war is over. Phil using his arm wound as a way to get Bob to do what he wants becomes a running gag throughout the movie.

After the war, they make it big in nightclubs, radio, and then on Broadway. They become the hottest act around and eventually become producers they then receive a letter from "Freckle-Faced Haynes, the dog-faced boy", a mess sergeant they knew in the war, asking them to audition his two sisters. Betty and Judy When they go to the club to audition their act the two fall for the sister and accompany them to Vermont to have a proper white Christmas.

I personally loved this movie, the lavish musical numbers toward the end make it all worth while but also the story though hear warming leaves much to be desired. however Bing makes up for it with those blue eyes charm and soft crooning voice of his. still between this and holiday Inn its the more PC version but not as well written.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Star Of The Month

Humphrey Bogart

welcome to a new feature I deiced to add to my blog and I thought of Bogie for the month of December. not only was he born in December but he is also one of the most well known Hollywood gods of the 40s and 50s. now there was a man, hes what my aunt would call rough aroud the edges.

Bogart like most actors in those days came from money he was born on Christmas Day 1899. in retrospect I don't think the world could have asked for a better Christmas present. even as a infant he gained some fame threw his mother who was an artist and used a drawing of baby Humphrey in a well-known ad campaign, for Mellins Baby-Food.

after he left the navy he found a love for acting. after a string of small parts he landed his first big starring role in the petrified forest. which then type cast him as the bad guy or the gangster. leading to his reputation as a tough guy. In real life his widow Lauren Bacall says that Bogie was a gentilmen "a last centurey boy" as he called it. it wasent until his most infamous role as Sam Spade In the maltise falcon did they finnaly start casting Bogie as the love intrest. leading him to gain his most infamous role as Rick in Casablanca.

what is it about Bogart that draws us to him. maybe its the need for a dominate male figure in our lives that we lacked as children. or perhaps its the danger that we crave in our humdrum everyday lives. for me the answer is simple. its all about how we see people. I see Bogart as the way Lauren saw him. as the tall dark hansom stranger we always hear of but never see. the last of a generation of gentlemen and shivery. the kind of man my generation has forgotten.

also I found this video from youtube that pretty much goes alone with what I'm saying. a special thanks to TheDudar for uploading this video

Holiday Affair

Happy Holidays everyone. I figured since it's that time of year again I would do some reviews on old movies that you might not know about. the first is Holiday Affair starring one of my favorites men of the sliver screen, Robert Mitchum.

know for those of you who might know Robert Mitchum from such movies as Cape fear and night of the hunter you might think that having Mitchum in a Christmas movie would be the equivalent of having Hannibal Lectar play Santa clause. But what most people don't know is that his fame for his roles as the villain in those movies only came years later when he developed a cult fallowing. When he was alive he was most noted for his westerns and romance comedy's.

in the movie Mitchum plays a sales clerk who falls in love with a singel mother whos thinking of getting married to another man on christmas. But that not gonna stop old Bob Mitchum. he trys to win her over by buying the presenst for her son she cant afford and even going so far as to convince her to marry him instead. like all those old movies this has a happ ending but i never being one to give away spoilers, youll just have to see it for yourslef.

on a personal note: I have it on good athority Robert Mitchum only took this role due to him being charged with possesion of marigunia which back then was the equlivilant of a crack pipe and a hooker. so in oder to show that he was still holsome he opted to be cast in this family christmas movie.

Pal Joey

Hello and welcome back, if your here this obviously means your reading my blog so hoary for you.Add Image

today i thought id review one of my two favorite Frank Sinatra movies Pal Joey. Just like my great grandma Lucy before me I must admit sadly that I too swoon over Frankie like a school girl. I don't know weather its his eyes or the way he smiles a Rita Hayworth in the movie but when ever I watch this I turn into a giggly vapid puddle of goo.

the movie centers around Joey, who much like Sinatra has a reputation as a womanizing nightclub singer. after being run out of town for his latest stunt with the mayors daughter he finds himself in San Francisco. there he meets Linda English (Novack), a chorus girl from a small town, he has stirrings of real feelings for. However, that does not stop him from romancing a wealthy, willful, and lonely widow named Vera Simpson (Hayworth) in order to convince her to finance his dream, "Chez Joey", a night club of his own.

though the story is very predictable going by the old one guy in love with two girls and leaving us guessing who he will chose. the musical performances by Frank Sinatra make it all worth watching. i gave it a 4 out of 5


Hello I thought id start off by writing a review of one of my favorite old movies Sabrina.

if you were to ask me what my Favorite Audrey Hepburn movie is, I would say that there are just to many to chose from. it would just be easier for you to ask what my favorite William Holden movie is, And this would be it. though it is said that Sabrina was not Bogart's particularly favorite role in a movie, it was mine.

the movie is about Sabrina Fairchild (Hepburn) the daughter of the Larrabee family chauffeur who has been in love with the youngest son David (Holden) all her life. however David is an oft-married, idle playboy, crazy for women, who has never noticed Sabrina, much to her dismay. Sabrina then attends culinary school in Paris in an effort to forget about him. she returns as an attractive and sophisticated woman. David, after initially not recognizing her, is quickly drawn to her. David's workaholic older brother Linus (Bogart) sees this and fears that David's imminent wedding with a very rich woman may be endangered. If the wedding were to be canceled, so would a great corporate deal with the bride's family. So Linus tries to redirect Sabrina's affections to himself and in the process trick her into running away to Paris with him so David will go back to his fiancee. Id tell you the rest but, I do hate spoilers. What I can tell you its a lovely movie with a happy ending and that if you love those old black and white movies that make you cry in the end as much as I do I would recommend this.

on a personal note: originally Cary Grant was initially considered for the role of Linus but decline and Bogart took it instead. During the Filming Hepburn entered into a brief Love affair with Holden. Though she isn't credited Edith Head who was a very popular fashion designer at the time created most of Hepburn's outfits in the movie including the dress seen worn in the picture above.