Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday Inn

I first heard of this movie a few years ago when we were decussing rasium in high school. and how it differed today. heck of a first impression huh? well basically my teacher said that in the movie they did a musical number in Black Face! so now knowing that I just had to see it. it would be just so perfect for my blog.

so the movie starts of with Bing Crosbys fiancce leaving him for fread Astairs Character, which makes no sense, becuase not only is the reason compleatly ilogical but Fred astaire looks like hes sixty! also when it comes to danceing hes a poor mans Gene Kelly. the story basically revols around a love traiangel between Bing Fread and Marjorie Reynolds which left even me guessing untill the end.

on a side note this movie is so racest it isnt even funny. not only dose Bing have a black house keeper named mammi but also the whol
Add Imagee black face number is so racest I can help but laugh. I know its bad but I'm laughing becuase its racest and there so unaware of it. saw it on TV the other day and they tottaly edited it out.

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